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Project Highlight

DAK Americas Plant Asbestos Abatement and Demolition

Winston-Salem, North Carolina


Winter Environmental completed work on this project for DAK Americas in Leland, North Carolina. The project demands a large scope of work completed in a one year schedule.

The project scope included the removal of thermal system insulation, tank insulation, structural fireproofing, duct insulation, floor tile and mastic, Transite panels, Transite lab hoods, caulking/glazing and sheetrock.

Approximately 70 workers with an estimated 108,000 work hours handled the task which provided the challenges of working in both hot and cold environments in summer and winter respectively. In total, the project included more than 60 individual containment areas utilizing shrink wrap structure, HEPA filtered air filtration devices, personnel and load out decontamination units.

Scaffold erection and containment on each of the two large dehydration columns 185 ft in height provided a challenge but was successfully completed. Over all, scaffolding was erected in 23
separate containment area. More than 30,000 lf of pipe insulation was removed utilizing aerial lifts and the glove-bag method.

In total, the project included the abatement of 19,700 lf pipe insulation, 25,360 sf structural fireproofing, 424,700 sf tank insulation, 68,320 sf Transite and 57,980 sf floor tile/mastic, with a total value of $7,015,228.



Asbestos Abatement Critical Systems Deconstruction
Project Value: $6,670,000
Performance Period: One Year
Number of Workers: 70
Man Hours: 108,000
Self-Performed: 100%
Recordable Incidents: 0